What is areola repigmentation?

The areola repigmentation is an advanced micropigmentation procedure that should only be performed by highly skilled professionals, with serious training and above all a lot experience. This procedure helps to improve the appearance and self-esteem in men and women who have undergone breast surgery.

With the areolar repigmentation techniques it is possible to “create” an areola after breast reconstruction, to minimize the appearance of scars, or to give back to the areola a more natural color and a symmetrical shape.

The areola repigmentation may also be called Areola Tattoo, Micropigmentation or Areola pigmentation, Areola recoloring, Areola Restoration or Simulation.

When resort to Areola repigmentation?

Here is how areola repigmentation can help after having breast surgery:

The areola is part of the human breast in men and women. It is a circular area of skin around the nipple wich is often darker and thicker than the surrounding skin. The areola plays a key role in the aesthetic appeal of breast.

Since for a woman’s self.image may depend by the look of her breast, the lack of an areola can be psychologically devastating. A woman can survive breast cancer after undergoing a mastectomy, and can resume her figure with a breast reconstruction. However, she cannot feel “complete” without an areola. A woman can become emotionally distressed because of a missing, incomplete or even devastated areola.

Areola micropigmentation provides the “finishing touch” after breast surgery. Patients feel that procedure helps them during last part of their recovery to look and feel complete and “nnormal”.

What are the causes of scars around the areola?

Surgical procedures on the breasts create a scar if there is need for an icision at or around the edge of the areola. The scar that remains is called peri-areola. Some breast surgeries can also create a vertical scar from the nipple towards the lower part of the breast, wich may need to be camouflaged.

The following are breast surgical procedures that can create a scar:

  • Breast augmentation or enlargement (breast augmentation)
  • Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty)
  • Breast lift (Mastopexy)
  • Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)
  • Post-surgical Areola tattoo techniques
  • Nipple-Areola Complex Simulation:

This procedure is for patients who had breast reconstruction following a mastectomy or a lumpectomy. Cosmetic tattooing details and bio-absorbable micronized pigments are used to create the appearance of a new areola.

For a patient who has undergone unilateral mastectomy, this process makes sure that the reconstructed breast matches as much as possible to the natural breast. For patients with bilateral breast reconstruction, both areolas are recreated. The areola complex simulation can be done with or without the reconstruction of the nipple by the surgeon.

Camouflage of peri-areolar scars:

Many breast operations require one or more incisions at or around the edge of the areola wich can leave scars. The most common are those scars caused by breast augmentation surgery or breast reduction surgery. The appearance of a scar may be softened or reduced by means of micropigmentation procedures with corrective techniques with pigment or with procedures of “dry needling” without pigments.

Areola size or color adjustment:

The color of an areola can be darkened, balanced, or enriched with tattoo. This procedure helps women who have faded areolas after breastfeeding or patients who had surgery to graft of areola.

Even patients with skin pigmentation disorders (ex. vitiligo) can benefit from the areola tattoing procedure.

Also, individuals who have undergone a breast surgery, but they have problems with the color or the size of the areola (too light or too small), can choose this procedure to improve its appearance.

some works:

Before & After

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